The Sunday Evening CEO — 7 must do things to take-off!

Ramanan Sivasubramanian
4 min readMar 8, 2020

How many of you want to start a company? A part time company sounds fun right?

“Let’s go and do our day jobs in the weekdays and work on our own ideas over the weekend”

— Many people

It’s difficult to start our own company part time. I know, because I’m on the same boat. A startup is a tangible validation of your idea, of your power to create stuff and a chance to leave memories of yourself in this world. A startup is a great way to give back to the society and of course, if successful, earning a lot! Unfortunately, being a Sunday evening CEO is what many of us do.

Today is Sunday, and it’s already evening. Over the weekend, I’ve done a bit of research, spent a lot of time with the family, searched a few localities for my dream house, played a few games, watched a movie… It’s only now, in the few last hours of the weekend, the CEO in me knocks and calls me out to work. I don’t know if the same happens to you guys, but I regret this feeling of not spending the weekend on working on my ideas.

Working for/on a startup is by itself a full time job. It takes a lot of guts to start over, leave a cushioned job and get back to square one. People around me feel that the best way to go about starting an idea is to work on it part time. It never happens that…



Ramanan Sivasubramanian

Writes about Software, Education, Thoughts. Background: Multiple FAANGer (Facebook, Amazon), Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH)