7 pointers to read before your FAANG interview

Ramanan Sivasubramanian
5 min readFeb 1, 2022

It’s always a great feeling to get a call from a FAANG company. Often these are the ‘dream’ companies for many of us. Unfortunately, sometimes these preliminary calls can satiate us and the imposter syndrome kicks in, making us not be at our best during the interviews. We shouldn’t let the excitement of getting an interview call get in the way of proving ourselves worthy of the job.

This post is not meant to give you the actual questions – the recruiter will provide you with those. This post states some characteristics of the interview process that I love and how knowing them can help you with preparing for the interviews seriously. Here they go:

Be the best and the best will look for you!

I’ve seen that FAANG loves great people. At least people who have potential to excel in their fields. Remember that FAANG doesn’t only hire software engineers. They hire for all kinds of roles, even roles you’ll not find elsewhere. So, it’s imperative that you need a good resume fit to get a call.

I have a strong belief that consistency, persistence and a learning behaviour is appreciated by FAANG and that needs to be demonstrated in the resume. Getting the first call is the biggest hurdle with FAANG. The call initiates the interview process, which in-turn gives you the opportunity to prove yourself. So, make sure you’re working towards developing a niche for yourself in the market.

Be yourself, the best version of…



Ramanan Sivasubramanian

Writes about Software, Education, Thoughts. Background: Multiple FAANGer (Facebook, Amazon), Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH)